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Directions to Backstreet Studios

and the SOFA Arts Neighborhood

The Backstreet Gallery and Studios is located in the SOFA (South A Street) art neighborhood of Santa Rosa, California.

SOFA is a community of people who care about art and the power of the creative process. Over the past 20 years, the neighborhood has grown into something unique and wonderful, largely due to a core group dedicated to the exploration of art and culture. This community has been built by a combined wealth of knowledge and interest paired with meaningful gestures of kindness.

Kristen Throop has had her studio at the Backstreet Studios for the past 13 years.

The neighborhood is also home to Spinster Sisters, Cafe Frida Gallery, The Imaginists, Las Palmas, Jeremiah’s Photo Corner, The Astro Motel and Redbird Bakery.

Map with directions to Backstreet Studios and Gallery in the SOFA arts neighborhood in Santa Rosa, California.
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